Why invest in car navigation?
Although the market there are a lot of gadgets, which are available to the driver, most people reaching for automotive technical innovations selects navigation. It is without a doubt the most popular device, which allows for maintaining the route, even without knowing the map. What's more, most of the satellite navigation sets us some runs and we can decide, according to which we will go. Most people reach for this little device, above all, because it allows not to get lost in an unknown area; by navigation you can also quickly reach the destination in many cases. Fashion for having such a gadget automotive lasts for several years and so far, you can expect that these articles will continue to be very readily bought by drivers.
Car and safety
Road traffic accidents are the largest cause of injury-related deaths worldwide.6 Mary Ward became one of the first documented car fatalities in 1869 in Parsonstown, Ireland,43 and Henry Bliss one of the United States' first pedestrian car casualties in 1899 in New York City.44 There are now standard tests for safety in new cars, such as the EuroNCAP and the US NCAP tests,45 and insurance-industry-backed tests by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).46
Worldwide, road traffic is becoming ever safer, in part due to efforts by the government to implement safety features in cars (e.g., seat belts, air bags, etc.), reduce unsafe driving practices (e.g., speeding, drinking and driving and texting and driving) and make road design more safe by adding features such as speed bumps, which reduce vehicle speed, and roundabouts, which reduce the likelihood of a head-on-collision (as compared with an intersection).
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automobile_safety
At one time, the word engine
Main article: History of the internal combustion engine
At one time, the word engine (from Latin, via Old French, ingenium, "ability") meant any piece of machinery ? a sense that persists in expressions such as siege engine. A "motor" (from Latin motor, "mover") is any machine that produces mechanical power. Traditionally, electric motors are not referred to as "Engines"; however, combustion engines are often referred to as "motors." (An electric engine refers to a locomotive operated by electricity.)
In boating an internal combustion engine that is installed in the hull is referred to as an engine, but the engines that sit on the transom are referred to as motors.3
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_combustion_engine