About water supply and sanitation
Water supply and sanitation has been a primary logistical challenge since the dawn of civilization. Where water resources or infrastructure or sanitation systems are insufficient for the population, people fall prey to disease, dehydration, and in extreme cases, death.
Major human settlements could initially develop only where fresh surface water was plentiful, such as near major rivers. Over the millennia, technology has dramatically increased the distances across which water can be relocated, but the availability of clean and fresh water remains a limiting factor on the size and density of population centers, and is expected to remain so into the foreseeable future.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_water_supply_and_sanitation
Plastic pipes
Plastic pipe is a tubular section, or hollow cylinder, made of plastic. It is usually, but not necessarily, of circular cross-section, used mainly to convey substances which can flow ? liquids and gases (fluids), slurries, powders and masses of small solids. It can also be used for structural applications; hollow pipes are far stiffer per unit weight than solid members.
Plastic pipework is used for the conveyance of drinking water, waste water, chemicals, heating fluid and cooling fluids, foodstuffs, ultra-pure liquids, slurries, gases, compressed air and vacuum system applications.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastic_pipework
How to prepare for plumbing repairs?
Faults associated with the plumbing happens sometimes all of us. In many homes, even the newest sometimes burst pipe or other failures occur, which cause great inconvenience or damage to the premises, which is why it is important that in such situations to react quickly and efficiently. We should always, of course, to call a repair specialist, but it is also important that before his arrival accordingly to prepare. It is worth checking exactly what went wrong and to pass this information to the skilled person, but before it with us will, we should also prepare well for the room in which it will work, and for this purpose, remove any unnecessary items. Thanks to this specialist will have enough space to work and quickly repair the failure.