A gas turbine is a rotary machine
Brayton cycle
Main article: Brayton cycle
Brayton cycle
A gas turbine is a rotary machine somewhat similar in principle to a steam turbine. It consists of three main components: compressor, combustion chamber, and turbine. The air is compressed by the compressor where a temperature rise occurs. The compressed air is further heated by combustion of injected fuel in the combustion chamber which expands the air. This energy rotates the turbine which powers the compressor via a mechanical coupling. The hot gases are then exhausted to provide thrust.
Gas turbine cycle engines employ a continuous combustion system where compression, combustion, and expansion occur simultaneously at different places in the engine?giving continuous power. Notably, the combustion takes place at constant pressure, rather than with the Otto cycle, constant volume.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_combustion_engine
Having a motorcycle - what decides this?
Among those interested in the automotive industry is no shortage of people for whom motorbikes are the main area of interest. These are mainly young men, who do not yet have enough other expenses that can not afford to have a motorcycle. Although for many motorcycles is a passion for life, many a rider is forced in the future to replace your equipment, for example, disputes family car. However, the biggest enthusiasts of this equipment remain true to the end of his beloved motorcycle, so participants rallies for motorcyclists we can see a variety of people, not only of all ages, but also of different sexes. Women sometimes have the interest, though certainly more women have other, more feminine hobby.
Difficulties in obtaining a motorcycle license
Difficulties in obtaining the right to drive a motorcycle may result already from the fact that he sat on a motorcycle we need to maintain balance. Not everyone is easy to achieve. On the basis of the fact that - from the need to maintain a balance, and ending with the fact that driving license for motorcyclists is difficult, because the instructor is not in the same vehicle, every student - we can say that getting a license for a motorcycle requires really a lot of effort. However, this does not discourage people who want to manage their own engine. It is true that, during the practical lessons in this category may appear to be much more problematic and dangerous events, but this challenge can be met through a systematic science.