What is the company's showcase? Maybe a business card ...
A small card with company data, and so many possibilities ... Business cards in Poland even 5-10 years ago were associated with white cartons, overloaded information. For this they were poorly made, and their design was calling for vengeance to heaven.
Today, companies with white-card business cards are still meeting, but fortunately there are more and more companies focusing on modernity.
So what should include such a modern business card - first of all a logotype, clearly visible, preferably not neighboring with any other element. A phone number is not necessary at all and a lot depends on the industry. Recently, the address of the site is more and more often used instead. Modern business card puts on minimalism and simplicity - what my opinion makes a much better better impression than the old type of business cards.
Computer printer in Wikipedia page
In computing, a printer is a peripheral device which makes a persistent human-readable representation of graphics or text on paper. The first computer printer designed was a mechanically driven apparatus by Charles Babbage for his difference engine in the 19th century; however, his mechanical printer design was not built until 2000. The first electronic printer was the EP-101, invented by Japanese company Epson and released in 1968. The first commercial printers generally used mechanisms from electric typewriters and Teletype machines. The demand for higher speed led to the development of new systems specifically for computer use. In the 1980s were daisy wheel systems similar to typewriters, line printers that produced similar output but at much higher speed, and dot matrix systems that could mix text and graphics but produced relatively low-quality output. The plotter was used for those requiring high quality line art like blueprints.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printer_(computing)
Online printing
Internet printing is the latest trend on the market and it is not surprising that users - more modern - are eager to use such printers. The advantages of this solution are certainly clear and predetermined conditions of printing, checking the files by the script and the speed of implementation.
Like every innovation, it also has its drawbacks - we can not check the printout but it is sent to us, which limits the possibilities of complaint. Sometimes software errors occur. However, the worst drawback is the lack of individuality in such online orders, and this is something that is valued by not one regular customer.