Settlement of the hydraulic completed its work
From time to time the company Hydraulic must account for work performed by them, for example, the Tax Office. A separate statement is prepared by the person responsible for fixing the amount of payments received by the plumbers employed by the company hydraulic system. In most companies separate bonuses are also provided for overtime performed late in the evening or even at night and on weekends. Unfortunately, if one of the employees has seen some complaints reported by customers, then can such a situation a negative impact on its earnings. The deadline complaint can be carried out in the presence of a trusted former employee of the company, who will check on how his younger colleague performs the tasks entrusted to it.
Basic facts about pipes and tubes
The difference between pipes and tubes is simply in the way it is sized. PVC pipe for plumbing applications and galvanized steel pipe for instance, are measured in IPS (iron pipe size). Copper tube, CPVC, PeX and other tubing is measured nominally, which is basically an average diameter. These sizing schemes allow for universal adaptation of transitional fittings. For instance, 1/2" PeX tubing is the same size as 1/2" copper tubing. 1/2" PVC on the other hand is not the same size as 1/2" tubing, and therefore requires either a threaded male or female adapter to connect them. When used in agricultural irrigation, the singular form "pipe" is often used as a plural.7
Pipe is available in rigid "joints", which come in various lengths depending on the material. Tubing, in particular copper, comes in rigid hard tempered "joints" or soft tempered (annealed) rolls. PeX and CPVC tubing also comes in rigid "joints" or flexible rolls. The temper of the copper, that is whether it is a rigid "joint" or flexible roll, does not affect the sizing.7
The thicknesses of the water pipe and tube walls can vary. Pipe wall thickness is denoted by various schedules or for large bore polyethylene pipe in the UK by the Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR), defined as the ratio of the pipe diameter to its wall thickness. Pipe wall thickness increases with schedule, and is available in schedules 20, 40, 80, and higher in special cases. The schedule is largely determined by the operating pressure of the system, with higher pressures commanding greater thickness. Copper tubing is available in four wall thicknesses: type DWV (thinnest wall; only allowed as drain pipe per UPC), type 'M' (thin; typically only allowed as drain pipe by IPC code), type 'L' (thicker, standard duty for water lines and water service), and type 'K' (thickest, typically used underground between the main and the meter). Because piping and tubing are commodities, having a greater wall thickness implies higher initial cost. Thicker walled pipe generally implies greater durability and higher pressure tolerances.
Wall thickness does not affect pipe or tubing size.8 1/2" L copper has the same outer diameter as 1/2" K or M copper. The same applies to pipe schedules. As a result, a slight increase in pressure losses is realized due to a decrease in flowpath as wall thickness is increased. In other words, 1 foot of 1/2" L copper has slightly less volume than 1 foot of 1/2 M copper.citation needed
Demand for copper products has fallen due to the dramatic increase in the price of copper, resulting in increased demand for alternative products including PEX and stainless steel.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_pipe#Difference_between_pipes_and_tubes
Overview of hydraulic when changing the plates. Cheap installation of new tiles. Services provided by a trusted plumber
The services provided by a trusted plumber may include installation of bathroom tiles. Part plumbers standard also performs services tiling. The combination of exchange plates with a review of the hydraulic may be less expensive than using in a short time, the services of two experts. Replacement plates are combined, because the removal of old tiles, during which you can review the water supply, sewerage and carry out the necessary repair parts connections or clear partially clogged sewer pipes. This way you will not need to remove the newly installed bathroom tiles because of some failure of the hydraulic. This is all the more important that the available for sale tiles allow you to create the bathroom of real composition.