Mandatory hydraulic works carried out in the block
When a residential building administrators will notice that there is a need for its repair hydraulic, then join the collection of funds needed for this purpose. They may come from the so-called. repair fund or will temporarily raise the rent. Before joining the fundraiser will have to obtain the consent of residents to take such steps. They perform, so you need a vote on one of the meetings with residents and cooperative will be able to proceed with the execution of the repair only after obtaining the consent of the majority population. Residents who do not give their consent for the renovation will be excluded from it. However, mandatory will be carried out such plumbing, which will serve to prevent the creation of a large block of water leakage.
sewer cleaning methods in blocks
The blocks may be different failures sewage. Within a week, they are repaired by a team of plumbers employed in cooperatives. In contrast, during the holiday season, or in the case of sudden death during the night, residents will be able to call the emergency water and sanitation and ask to come to the block where the accident occurred. In some situations it may become necessary to purify the basement flooded by the sewage system before the tenants will be able again to enter it. Sewer block can be cleaned using methods commonly used to clean drains, such as. Pressure method. After her performance will be further tested patency sewage before residents return to their homes.
Flexibility of pipes - Wikipedia
Plastic Pipes are classified by their ring stiffness. The preferred stiffness classes as described in several product standards are: SN2, SN4, SN8 and SN16, where SN is Nominal Stiffness (kN/m2). Stiffness of pipes is important if they are to withstand external loadings during installation. The higher the figure, the stiffer the pipe!
After correct installation, pipe deflection remains very limited but it will continue to some extent for a while. In relation to the soil in which it is embedded, the plastic pipe behaves in a 'flexible' way. This means that further deflection in time depends of the settlement of the soil around the pipe.
Basically, the pipe follows the soil movement or settlement of the backfill, as technicians call it. This means that good installation of pipes will result in good soil settlement. Further deflection will remain limited.
For flexible pipes, the soil loading is distributed and supported by the surrounding soil. Stresses and strains caused by the deflection of the pipe will occur within the pipe wall. However, the induced stresses will never exceed the allowed limit values.
The thermoplastic behavior of the pipe material is such that the induced stresses are relaxing to a very low level. It has to be noted that induced strains are far below the allowable levels.
This flexible behaviour means that the pipe will not fail. It will exhibit only more deflection while keeping its function without breaking.
However, rigid pipes by their very nature are not flexible and will not follow ground movements. They will bear all the ground loadings, whatever the soil settlement. This means that when a rigid pipe is subject to excessive loading, it will reach the limit for stress values more quickly and break.
It can therefore be concluded that the flexibility of plastic pipes is such that it offers an extra dimension of safety. Buried Pipes need flexibility9
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastic_pipework#Flexibility