How to solve the parking problems?
Among the many highly advanced technological solutions can not fail to make life easier for drivers. A perfect example is the so-called parking sensor, which means that you can safely fit in the car, even in a small space. This gadget is not currently too expensive, and its value for the majority of drivers will be huge - definitely worth it to invest, as we move through the crowded city streets, and we have every day problems with the appropriate parking the car. This sensor, as well as many other facilities for drivers are becoming more popular, and above all, their price falls. This is certainly an argument for buying small appliances that make life easier on the road.
Basic knowledge - Public costs
The external costs of automobiles, as similarly other economic externalities, are the measurable costs for other parties except the car proprietor, such costs not being taken into account when the proprietor opts to drive their car. According to the Harvard University,11 the main externalities of driving are local and global pollution, oil dependence, traffic congestion and traffic accidents; while according to a meta-study conducted by the Delft University12 these externalities are congestion and scarcity costs, accident costs, air pollution costs, noise costs, climate change costs, costs for nature and landscape, costs for water pollution, costs for soil pollution and costs of energy dependency. The existence of the car allows on-demand travel, given, that the necessary infrastructure is in place. This infrastructure represents a monetary cost, but also cost in terms of common assets that are difficult to represent monetarily, such as land use and air pollution.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economics_of_car_use
How to choose a fuel for the car?
Each fuel has its supporters and detractors. Experts automotive industry can give many reasons for allowing the selection of a suitable fuel for our car. However, not always the cheapest solution turns out to be the best for driver or car owner. For example, if you want to consider the option of supplying gas in our car, we must know that it is necessary to install proper installation. This is connected with considerable costs, but on the other hand, avoids the higher fees in the future. However, a group of drivers who decide to change their system already installed in your car, however, is quite sparse.